Introduction to MS Office


MS Office stands for Microsoft Office is product of Multinational Company Microsoft. Microsoft Company was created by Paul Allen and Bill Gates in 1975 at Washington, United States of America. This company introduced it's important product MS Office first version in November 19, 1990 office 1.0. Afterword they introduced MS Office latest versions. Out of these, some are mentioned here office 4.x, Office 95, Office 97, Office 2000, and office 2015/2016.


It is very important and well known for word documents, spreadsheets, manage databases, Presenting something, make document interactive, mail merge, protect sheet for protecting a confidential data and many more.

Components of MS Office

Components Description
Excel Excel spreadsheet program that creates tables with rows and coloums and allows data to be computed.
Access It is program that helps Computer Engr, IT Experts and small business owners create databases.
Outlook Though many use MS Outlook, as an e-mail tool, the software has many features such as calendars, tasks, and schedules, which can help organize your life.
Front Page If you are interested in creating web pages, then this software can help you do that easily.
Powerpoint Using for making presentation and professional-looking PowerPoint slides, you can easily convey your message in a more effective way. Its short form is PPT
Publisher This is a great program for your desktop publishing needs, for everything from brochures to flyers.
Visio Whether you’re an IT professional or a businessman, Visio can help you create professional diagrams for all your purposes.
Word For all types of text documents, Word is the best solution. You can even download templates or create your own.

Advantages/Usage of MS Office

Microsoft Office is affordable, easy to use and also available online with free download and for its importance it is being used all over in world, like homes, standard and professional, national and international businesses, offices, schools, universities. You will find MS office where their is Computer.

Microsoft office is an important piece of software in every businesses offices, offering the users to make any type of documentation and print it in hard form, make spreadsheets for office use where their is needed with special features, in office the presentations are being made at offices, business, school for presenting topic by professors and students are also doing same.

Microsoft office is an important piece of software in every businesses offices, offering the users to make any type of documentation and print it in hard form, make spreadsheets for office use where their is needed with special features, in office the presentations are being made at offices, business, school for presenting topic by professors and students are also doing same.

It makes software by using visual basic tool inside it and we can also store lot of data in it with help of database (Microsoft Access)

It is the project that performs an important and essential tasks to managing time, people and resources and reduce manual work.
