MS PowerPoint Shortcut Keys | Test Preperation

Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcut Keys

Microsoft PowerPoint performs to make all types of presentations. It is the best solution for representing our ideas into graphics format which is very clear and easy to understand. It is very important tool of MS Office specially for Teachers, Students, Managers and all those persons that are related presenting any ideas and data. You can even download templates or create your own.

Environment of MS PowerPoint 


From above picture we estimate the environment of Microsoft PowerPoint. The following are the important part of PowerPoint given below which will help you to create an attractive presentation  as soon as possible

* Title Bar
* Menu Bar
* Standard Toolbar
* Formatting Toolbar
* Outline and Slides Tab
* View Icons
* Slide Pane
* Notes Pane
* Task Pane
* Drawing toolbar

MS PowerPoint Shortcut Keys

Shortcut KeysDescription
Ctrl+ARROWMove selection in specific direction
Ctrl+mouse wheelZoom
Ctrl+DDuplicate selected shapes
Ctrl+MInsert new Slide
F4Repeat last action
F10Activate Menu Bar
Shift + F10Context Menu
CTRL+NCreate New Presentation
CTRL+KOpen Insert Hyperlink dialogue box for new hyperlink or edit hyperlink
CTRL+OOpen the Open Dialogue box
CTRL+POpen Print Dialogue Box
CTRL+SSave the current presentation 
CTRL+TOpen Font Dialogue Box
CTRL+UApplies or remove Underline to selected text
CTRL+VPaste the Copied or Cut selected text
CTRL+WClose the Current Presentation
CTRL+XCut or Move the Selected text
CTRL+YRedu, Repeats Last command or action if possible
CTRL+ZUndu, Reverse or delete the last entry
F6Switch to text pane
F12Display Save As dialogue Box
SHIFT+F3Change case letters (toggles through sentence case, lowercase, and uppercase)
